Are you buying a house in Eindhoven or Nuenen?
Are you buying a house in Eindhoven or Nuenen?
Are you considering to buy a house? In the Netherlands you will be buying this house within the Dutch civil law. This means that you will need the services and legal documents of a civil-law notary. Please read below for more information about the required services and all the legal documents needed to buy a house in the Netherlands.
Why go to the civil-law notary?
Are you buying a house? Then you should consider that sometimes buyers easily sign a purchase contract, without having their financial possibilities and legal position investigated. In order to properly guide the entire transaction, the law decrees that there has to be a notarial deed of transfer. This deed protects both the seller and the buyer. With this deed, both parties are fully aware of the legal actions they take. And of the consequences of these actions.
Marks Wachters notarissen can help you with all issues concerning buying or selling real estate in the Netherlands.
Purchase contract
The purchase of a house, an apartment or a holiday home by private buyer has to be recorded in writing. An verbal agreement is not valid. In the purchase contract, the seller and the buyer record that the house shall be the property of the buyer, under certain conditions, against a certain price and on an agreed date.
Deed of transfer
Just buying the house does not make you an owner. This requires the transfer of the house. This is done by notarial deed of transfer. In drawing up the deed of transfer, among others we thoroughly investigate whether the seller is legally entitled to sell the house. We also investigate any obligations that may be attached to the property. We ensure that both the seller and the buyer comply with their obligations for the transfer of the house, and check that the seller transfers the house free of mortgage or attachment and that the buyer deposits the purchase price on time. The deed of transfer then has to be registered in the public registers of the Land Registry Office. Only then has the ownership of the house been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
Deed of mortgage
Most buyers need financing to buy a house. The bank on the other hand requires security, in the form of a right of mortgage. This entitles the bank, if you do not comply with your obligations, as a last resort to sell the house and use the proceeds for payment of the debt. This requires a notarial deed of mortgage. To draw up such a deed, we check if all requirements imposed by the bank have been complied with, so that you can have the money.
Apartment rights
A building is divided into apartment rights in a notarial deed of division. Any agreements on the use, the management and the maintenance of the common areas can be found in the property division regulations that form part of the deed of division, and in possible bylaws. If an apartment right is transferred, there are specific areas of attention. We can inform you in detail about these. This also applies if you are buying a new house.
Please contact us for more information
Please feel free to call one of our specialists during office hours if you have a question. You can reach us by phone via (040) 244 88 55 (Eindhoven) or (040) 283 13 03 (Nuenen).
Of course you could also reach out to us by filling in our contact form. We would be happy to help you and advise you on the best solution for your personal situation.

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