What do I need to take into account when buying a house?
There are many things to consider when buying a house in the Netherlands. We’d like to make it easier for you. Below you will find an overview of the most important steps in the process:
The first step is to create a top 5 list that includes the most important requirements for a suitable home for you. This will make it easier to search for available homes in a more targeted way.
The second step is to get a realistic view on what price you can afford to pay for your new home. It is important to examine your financial situation, and to calculate your maximum mortgage. There are several websites that give an indication of the maximum amount of a mortgage in your personal situation. If you have a clear budget in mind, you could look for a suitable house in a more targeted manner.
When you have found a suitable house, it is time for a viewing. It is important to look further than only the property itself. For example, have a look at the neighbourhood as well. We also recommend to bring family or a friend when visiting a possible new home; other people might see things that you are overlooking.
The next step is to negotiate the price. To properly prepare for this, it is useful to determine the value of the property in advance. Aspects that you can take into account are the prices of comparable houses, and the timeframe the house has been for sale.
Does the home you have in mind require maintenance? This can be quite expensive. It is advisable to make an estimation of these costs beforehand. In addition, overdue maintenance has consequences for the value of the home.
Another factor to take into account are the financial consequences related to the transaction. When you buy a house, you have to deal with various costs: transfer tax, notary costs, appraisal costs and taking out a National Mortgage Guarantee.
Familiarize yourself with the various mortgage types available. When you choose an annuity or linear mortgage, you can deduct mortgage interest. This is not possible with other mortgage types. It is therefore advisable to delve into this. A financial advisor or mortgage broker can assist with arranging a bank loan.
The final step is the completion of the purchase. At this stage, an agreement has been reached about the price with the selling party. All agreements made are then recorded in a deed of delivery by a civil law notary. Then, after placing a signature on the deed of delivery, you are officially the owner of the house.
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